Michael Bryant 2003-2007 Ontario Liberal Attorney General involvement in the coverup of crimes, conspiracies, coverups and the corruptions we endured!

Corruption in Canada History Index

Michael Bryant, Former Attorney General of Ontario, Canada

This page will disclose Liberal Attorney General Michael Bryant’s involvement in the crimes, conspiracies, cover ups and corruptions we endured!


Let Justice Prevail

With my google account, I created a blogger website to express my Freedom of Expression as granted by the Ontario government passing into law [Read Law Here!] to protect our Freedom of Expression! This lets me tell truth and show evidences of criminal acts I endured! If the accused plan on a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation in me telling truth and showing evidences about crimes I endured, I will file an Anti-SLAPP lawsuit added to the criminal charges that the accused will be facing for their involvement in any of the criminal acts!


Index of Accused Criminals and Corrupt Organizations

History and Evidence of Crimes, Conspiracies, Coverups and the Corruptions we have endured by the Conservative and the Liberal governments of Ontario and of Canada in huge coverup of Law Society of Ontario’s corruption...