History and Evidence of Crimes, Conspiracies, Coverups and the Corruptions we have endured by the Conservative and the Liberal governments of Ontario and of Canada in huge coverup of Law Society of Ontario’s corruption...



History of Corruption in Canada


With my google account, I created a blogger website to express my Freedom of Expression as granted by the Ontario government passing into law [Read Law Here] to protect our Freedom of Expression! This lets me tell truth and show evidences of criminal acts I endured! If the accused plan on a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation in me telling truth and showing evidences about crimes I endured, I will file an Anti-SLAPP lawsuit added to the criminal charges that the accused will be facing for their involvement in any of the criminal acts!

Below is a full list of the accused criminals and corrupt
organizations involved in the coverup of criminal acts
committed against the Ontario Superior courts and us!


1) I am the victim of The Bank of Nova Scotia's identity thefts and defamations that started in 1993 or earlier from bad credit ratings created by 3 abandoned loans from 2 Scotiabanks in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia belonging to someone with same first and last name as me. I was born in Toronto and only lived in Ontario. These bad credit ratings were wrongfully transferred to my Equifax credit reports by Scotiabank and evidence shows the person's mother was a Scotiabank manager.
To be continued...

Defendant #1 Bank of Nova Scotia aka (Scotiabank)
* Unknown for almost 5 years until told on November 25th 1998 by Canada Trust employee, Farhat Khalani. Equifax and no other bank would tell or show me my credit reporting errors since my first loan denial by TD bank in 1993 and 2nd loan denial by the Royal bank and discovery of my affected credit reports in 1994!


2) I am the victim of Equifax's defamations, caused by Scotiabank, on my credit reports disclosed to (A) the TD Bank in 1993; (B) the Royal Bank in 1994 and 1995; (C) the CIBC Bank in 1996, 1998 and 2000; and (D) The Canada Trust in 1998. In 1996, I also became victim of Equifax's negligent identity theft and defamations after Equifax received rubber cheques from real owner of the debt and Equifax wrongfully continued discrediting my credit reports with their own errors until October 2001.
To be continued...

Defendant #2 Equifax Canada, a division in Equifax Inc.
* Since January 1994, Equifax would NOT TELL me that Scotibank was involved until I told them they were after I was told by a Canada Trust employee, Farhat Khalani after I told her history and begged to see what she saw.


3) I am another victim of my exlawyer, E___ Z_______'s conspiracy that started as early as April of 2001 with his downplaying the evidence of my 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000 and 2001 complaints to whitewash my $2 million dollar lawsuit against defendants, Scotiabank and Equifax. E___ Z_______ would commit many frauds and thefts against us and held us financially hostage to his crimes against us! Beware, he is a real crime boss!
To be continued...

Defendant #3 my ex lawyer's had his law firm name, Z_______ & Associates covered up and protected by an illegal SLAPP court order won by the lawyers involved!

Defendant #3.1 E___ Z_______, crime boss and owner of criminal organization, Z_______ & Associates LLP. We are victims to his many conspired criminal acts!

Defendant #3.2 R___ S_____ Chief of Staff at Z_______ & Associates LLP and E___ Z_______'s right hand person!

Defendant #3.3 G______ G_____ is my ex lawyer's top lawyer at criminal organization, Z_______ & Associates. He acts in legal proceedings for my exlawyer's crimes!

JUNE 2001

4) I am a victim of The Bank of Nova Scotia's lawyer's conspiracy with my lawyer against truth in the history and justice for Scotibank's identity theft of me, years of negligences and the defamations on my Equifax credit reports. The lawyers' conspiracy started in June 2001 and lasted long after my lawyer was fired in May 2005!
To be continued...

Defendant #4 Scotiabank's law firm, B_____ _a____ __r____ LLP protected by an illegal SLAPP court order!

Defendant #4.1 M_____ S_____ Lawyer of B_____ _a____ __r____ LLP for the defendant Scotiabank aka Bank of Nova Scotia. This crooked lawyer told me in courtroom to make it easier on all of them and change my name!

JULY 2001

5) I am a victim of Equifax's lawyer's conspiracy with my lawyer against the truth in the history and justice for Equifax's identity theft of me, years of negligences and the defamations on my Equifax credit reports. The lawyers' conspiracy started in July 2001 and this lasted long after I fired my lawyer on May 3rd 2005!
To be continued...

Defendant #5 Equifax's law firm, C______ LLP protected by an illegal SLAPP court order to coverup all involved!

Defendant #5.1 S_____ S______ Lawyer of C_____ LLP for defendant Equifax Canada owned by Equifax Inc


6) I am victim of my lawyer's abandonment and use of newly hired lawyer to sabotage the discoveries in 2002.
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Defendant #3.4 P____ R_____ brief lawyer at Z_______ & Associates LLP was hired in March 2002 to sabotage the discoveries in June 2002 and disappeared by July 2002! She laid her head on her arm on the table thru much of the discoveries and never asked defendants many important questions about the facts and history!

Defendant #4.1 M_____ S_____ Lawyer of B_____ _a____ __r____ LLP for the defendant Scotiabank aka Bank of Nova Scotia. This crooked lawyer told me in courtroom to make it easier on all of them and change my name!

Defendant #4.2 M_____ B____ was another briefly seen B_____ _a____ __r____ lawyer for defendant Scotiabank at my lawyer's conspired sabotage of the discoveries.

Defendant #5.1 S_____ S______ Lawyer of C_____ LLP for defendant Equifax Canada owned by Equifax Inc


7) We are victims of my lawyer's frauds and thefts of our $26k Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce aka CIBC 2nd mortgage that secretly involved his sister-in-law and her SDRRSP, making it easy for him to setup, steal and make us accountable for it in August 2002, about 2 months after he sabotaged the discoveries.
To be continued...

Defendant #6 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

Defendant #6.1 Giai Tran of Wood Gundy Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce received my November 2002 phone call about our stolen 2nd mortgage funds that was setup by my lawyer to secretly steal from us! Neither Wood Gundy employee I talked too would help us disclose my lawyer's frauds against us and against the CIBC! She also received my August 4th 2006 letter.

Defendant #6.2 Linda Tran of Wood Gundy Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce received my November 2002 phone call about our stolen 2nd mortgage funds that was setup by my lawyer to secretly steal from us! Neither Wood Gundy employee I talked too would help us disclose my lawyer's frauds against us and against the CIBC! She also received my August 4th 2006 letter.

Defendant #6.3 Allen Ezer of Wood Gundy Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce is the son of Toby Ezer who is the sister-in-law of my exlawyer, E___ Z_______ and he is not protected by the illegal court order.


8) We are victims of my lawyer and his chief of staff's involvement in secret CIBC SDRRSP mortgage fraud and theft. My lawyer was retained because he offered his services pro bono but he kept asking for money and then he stole our money from the mortgage he setup!
To be continued...

Defendant #3.1 E___ Z_______, crime boss and owner of criminal organization, Z_______ & Associates LLP.

Defendant #3.2 R___ S_____ Chief of Staff at Z_______ & Associates LLP and E___ Z_______'s right hand person!

Defendant #3.5 Toby Ezer is sister-in-law of my lawyer, E___ Z_______ and not protected by illegal court order.

Defendant #3.6 A____ H__________ was breifly assigned to case by E___ Z_______ of Z_______ & Associates LLP

Defendant #3.7 A____ N______ was breifly introduced to me over the phone by A____ H__________ of Z_______ & Associates LLP and then we didn't hear from him for a decade although E___ Z_______ did use A____ N______'s name twice in his fraudulent acts against me and us!


9) My wife, who was not a client of my lawyer, became victim of my lawyer's fraudulence in October 2003 by tricking her into signing her responsibility into paying my lawsuit bills by stating that she needed to sign a document for her to gain my lawsuit wins incase something happened to me. She was never given the opportunity to get a 2nd opinion who would have told her truth about the document and her responsibilites!
To be continued...

Defendant #3.1 E___ Z_______, crime boss and owner of criminal organization, Z_______ & Associates LLP.


10) I am victim of my lawyer's conspiracy to obstruct administration of Justice during pre-trial in Oct. 2003.
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Defendant #3.1 E___ Z_______, crime boss and owner of criminal organization, Z_______ & Associates LLP.

Defendant #3.8 L___ O_________ is another brief lawyer, Z_______ & Associates LLP.


11) I am victim of my lawyer's ongoing conspiracy with the defendants' lawyers to obstruct the administration of justice with his sudden mysterious delay of the trial on the Saturday, just 2 days before the start of the trial originally set for November 3-10 2003. My lawyer told me that the court wanted to postpone the trial but that was untrue as the lawyers attended court on November 3rd 2003 and never told me about that 1 day hearing!
To be continued...

Defendant #3.1 E___ Z_______, crime boss and owner of criminal organization, Z_______ & Associates LLP.

Defendant #4.1 M_____ S_____ Lawyer of B_____ _a____ __r____ LLP for the defendant Bank of Nova Scotia.

Defendant #5.1 S_____ S______ Lawyer of C_____ LLP for defendant Equifax Canada owned by Equifax Inc


12) I am victim of my lawyer's conspiracy to obstruct administration of justice starting in the 1st minute of December 15-19 2003 trial and evident in transcripts.
To be continued...

Defendant #3.1 E___ Z_______, crime boss and owner of criminal organization, Z_______ & Associates LLP.

Defendant #3.2 G______ G_____ is my ex lawyer's top lawyer at criminal organization, Z_______ & Associates.

Defendant #4.1 M_____ S_____ Lawyer of B_____ _a____ __r____ LLP for the defendant Bank of Nova Scotia.

Defendant #5.1 S_____ S______ Lawyer of C_____ LLP for defendant Equifax Canada owned by Equifax Inc

We have now suffered 3 years of lawyers conspiracies covering up 7 years of Equifax's conspiracies trying to coverup Scotiabank and then Equifax's identity thefts and defamations of me on 1993 to 2003 credit reports!

JULY 2004

13) I am victim of my lawyer's fraudulent trial appeal after winning a very bad verdict that did not represent the truth or justice because much was kept from judge!
To be continued...

Defendant #3.1 E___ Z_______, crime boss and owner of criminal organization, Z_______ & Associates LLP.


14) We are victims of my lawyer's secret lawsuit against us that we apparently signed against ourselves in August 2004. We did not know about this lawsuit (#2) until Joe De Valle from CIBC told us about a $40,631 lawsuit win against my wife and I from a law firm (which happened to be my lawyer's law firm) in October 2004 when Joe pulled our Equifax credit reports defaming me, again!
To be continued...

Defendant #3.1 E___ Z_______, crime boss and owner of criminal organization, Z_______ & Associates LLP.


15) We are victims of my lawyer taking over our 1st mortgage application with CIBC in December 2004 and changing companies for our 1st mortgage and stealing some funds from it after our MPP Jim Flaherty became aware of our complaints about all the lawyers involved!
To be continued...

Defendant #3.1 E___ Z_______, crime boss and owner of criminal organization, Z_______ & Associates LLP.

DECEMBER 10th 2004

16) We are victims of the Conservative party of Ontario
To be continued...

Defendant #7 Conservative Party of Ontario

Defendant #7.1 Ajax/Whitby MPP Jim Flaherty (2004)

MAY 2005

17) We are victims of Law Society of Upper Canada conspiracy to coverup my now exlawyer and Scotiabank's lawyer that I had started my complaints against in May 2005.
To be continued...

Defendant #8 Law Society of Upper Canada (Ontario)


18) We are victims of Ontario Attorney General Michael Bryant ignoring me and my complaints about all the lawyers crimes against the administration of justice and the coverup of those crimes and many others by the Law Society of Ontario, since my 2nd phone to him in 2006.
To be continued...

Defendant #9 Ministry of Attorney General of Ontario

Defendant #9.1 Attorney General Michael Bryant

Defendant #10 Liberal Party of Ontario

Defendant #10.1 Liberal MPP Michael Bryant (2006)


19) I am victim of MPP Tony Ruprecht via Lawyer Dan Barnabic who contacted me on behalf of the Liberal MPP Tony Ruprecht for his credit reporting bill.
To be continued...

Defendant #0.3 Lawyer Dan Barnabic

Defendant #10.2 Liberal MPP Tony Ruprecht (2006)


20) I am victim of the Canadian Judicial Council corruption ignoring my complaints about Justice Day's several "Senior's Moment" comments said during original trial to try to have a mistrial called because Justice G. Day realized lawyers were conspiring in his courtroom but my lawyer wouldn't ask for mistrial, proving conspiracy!

Defendant #11 Canadian Judicial Counsel

Defendant #11.1 CJC Andrew Grant

Defendant #11.2 CJC Norman Sabourin

Defendant #11.3 CJC Chief Justice Scott


21) We are victims of the Ontario Ombudsman, Andre Marin ignoring my complaints about the Attorney General's conspiracy covering up the Law Society of Ontario's conspired coverup of lawyers crimes and conspired coverup of Equifax's and Scotiabank's negligences.
To be continued...

Defendant #12 Ontario Ombudsman

Defendant #12.1 Ombudman 2005-2015 Andre Marin


22) We are victims of our Ajax/Pickering MP Mark Holland and his staff ignoring many phone calls and messages to have meeting about the crimes endured by the lawyers covered up by the Law Society and Attorney General!
To be continued...

Defendant #13 Liberal Party of Canada

Defendant #13.1 Ajax/Whitby MP Mark Holland (2007)


23) We are victims of our Ajax/Whitby MPP Christine Elliott's coverup of our 80 minute meeting in 2007 where she wrote 3 pages of notes about the crimes we endured by the lawyers covered up by Law Society of Ontario!
To be continued...

Defendant #7.2 Ajax/Whitby MPP Christine Elliott (2007)


24) We are victims of former Liberal Attorney General, Chris Bentley ignoring our complaints of crimes committed by against the administration of justice to coverup the Ministry of Attorney General's conspiracy covering up the Law Society of Ontario's crimes committed against administration of justice.
To be continued...

Defendant #9.2 Attorney General Chris Bentley (2007)

Defendant #10.3 Liberal MPP Chris Bentley (2007)

We have demanded the Attorney General's intervention because many of the lawyers crimes were committed against the administrations of justice in initial lawsuit thus making this the Attorney General's jurisdiction to investigate our complaints honestly and thoroughly...




00) We are victims of Law Society of Upper Canada conspiracy to coverup my now exlawyer and Scotiabank's lawyer that I had started my complaints against in May 2005.
To be continued...

Defendant #8 Law Society of Upper Canada (Ontario)


25) We are victim of our Ajax MPP Joe Dickson.
To be continued...

Defendant #10.4 Liberal Ajax MPP Joe Dickson (2011)

26) We are victims of former Liberal Attorney General of Ontario, John Gerretson ignoring our complaints about the crimes committed against the administration of justice and various crimes committed against us.
To be continued...

Defendant #9.3 Attorney General John Gerretsen (2011)

Defendant #10.5 Liberal MPP John Gerretsen (2011)


Lawyer William McDowell of Lenczner Slaght LLP retained by lawyers to get court order to coverup and physically threatened me in courtroom and Two Toronto police officers witnessed his end of harassment to us in court hallway!


Febuary 2012

Lawyer Marlys Edwardh of S___ _o_______ __t_____ LLP was used by the Law Society of Upper Canada to investigate William McDowell until I mentioned the conflict of interest with her working in the same law firm as 3 of the accused protected lawyers!

June 2012

Lawyer Connie Reeve of Blake Cassels LLP was used by the Law Society to fraudulently close my complaints against William McDowell for his attempted courtroom fist-a-cuff and hallway harassment witnessed by police!

July 2012

Lawyer Amanda Jackson of Gowling WLG retained by CIBC to coverup truth about complaints of the stolen mortgage dated back to 2002 by my exlawyer and discovered sister-in-law!


January 11th 2013 Letter from Gillian Middlemiss re: Complaints Resulution Commissioner Interview


June 24th 2014

27) We are victims of former Liberal Attorney General of Ontario, Madeleine Meilleur ignoring our complaints about the crimes committed against the administration of justice and various crimes committed against us.
To be continued...

Defendant #9.4 Attorney General Madeleine Meilleur

Defendant #10.6 Liberal MPP Madeleine Meilleur

28) victim of Toronto Police Service, Jim Makris who called me to intercept my communications with Attorney General Madeleine Meilleur about the crimes we endured, to help her with the coverup!He received dome evidence of crimes!



June 2016

29) We are victims of the Premier of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne's shuffling of Attorney General Madeleine Meilleur to an early retirement to help her escape her role in Attorney General's conspiracy to coverup Law Society's conspiracy!

Defendant #10.7 Liberal MPP Madeleine Meilleur

April 7th 2016

30) We are victims of Jody Wilson-Raybould, Attorney General of Canada accepting a monetary bribe from 1 of our main accused criminals, who was Scotiabank's lawyer and a former teacher at Law Society of Ontario for 12 years! Jody ignored my complaints to coverup chief whip, Mark Holland's role in conspiracy against his constituents!

Liberal Jody Wilson-Raybould, Attorney General of Canada accepted a monetary bribe from 1 of our main accused criminals, M_____ S______, who was a former teacher at Law Society of Ontario for 12 years! Jody ignored my complaints to coverup chief whip, Mark Holland's role in conspiracy against his constituents!

June 13th 2016

31) We are victims of Premier Kathleen Wynne.

Defendant #10.8 Liberal MPP Kathleen Wynne

32) We are victims of Liberal Attorney General, Yasir Naqvi ignoring victims of crimes against the administration of justice.

Defendant #10.9 Liberal MPP Yasir Naqvi

JANUARY 5th 2017

32) We are victims of Attorney General Caroline Mulroney ignoring victims of crimes against the administration of justice to coverup the Attorney General's conspuracy covering up the Law Society of Ontario's crimes against the administration of justice.

Defendant #7.3 Future Attorney General Caroline Mulroney

JANUARY 5th 2017

33) We are victims of Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dube and his Early Resolution Officer Jeff Cook

Defendant #12 Ontario Ombudsman

Defendant #12.2 Ombudman 2016-2021 Paul Dubé

Defendant #12.3 Ontario Ombudman Early Resolution Officer Jeff Cook


34) We are victims of Ontario Provincial Police officers, Scott Mulville and an unidentifed OPP officer partner

Defendant #13 Ontario Provincial Police

Defendant #13.1 OPP Officer Scott Muldoon

Defendant #13.2 Unidentitfied OPP Officer

35) We are victims of Solicitor General Marie-France Lalonde allowing Ontario Provincial Police Officers to commit crimes against me and my family!

Defendant #10.9 Liberal MPP Marie-France Lalonde

Defendant #13.6 Liberal MP Marie-France Lalonde

36) We are victims of our Ajax MPP Rod Phillips' obstruction justice by ignoring directions given by the attorney general's office and he made some false allegation to Durham Regional Police to try to have me arrested!

Defendant #7.4 Ajax MPP Rod Phillips

37) victims of Solicitor General Michael Tibollo, who did nothing towards our 2014 complaints against 1 Toronto Police Fraud Squad Officer, Jim Makris OR our 2017 complaints against 2 Ontario Provincial Police officers, Scott Mulville and his unidentified partner!

Defendant #7.5 Solicitor General Michael Tibollo


38) victims of 4 unidentified Durham Regional Police officers who came to our home to harrass me because of some unknown false allegation(s) given to the police by Ajax MPP Rod Phillips to try to have me wrongfully arrested to get out of his civic duty to his constituents.

Defendant #14 Durham Regional Police Service

Defendant #14.1 Unidentified DRPS Officer #1

Defendant #14.2 Unidentified DRPS Officer #2

Defendant #14.3 Unidentified DRPS Officer #3

Defendant #14.4 Unidentified DRPS Officer #4

39) victims of Solicitor General Sylvia Jones, who has done nothing towards our 2014 complaints against 1 Toronto Police Fraud Squad Officer Jim Makris OR our 2017 complaints against 2 Ontario Provincial Police officers, Scott Mulville and his unidentified partner OR our 2019 complaints against 4 durham police officers!

Defendant #7.6 Solicitor General Sylvia Jones

40) victim of Attorney General Douglas Downey ignoring victims of crimes against the administration of justice.

Defendant #7.7 Attorney General Douglas Downey
