Ontario Liberal Party members involved in coverup of crimes against the administrations of justice, conspiracies, coverups and the corruptions we endured!

Corruption in Canada History

Ontario Liberal Party of Canada

1) Liberal Michael Bryant, former Attorney General of Ontario had a 25 minute telephone conversation with me in 2006 about my lawyer's crimes with defendants' Scotiabank's and Equifax's lawyers crimes committed against the administration of justice and when I began telling him about the Law Society of Upper Canada's coverup of all the lawyers, he began to end our call by telling me he had to go but to call him again. He would never accept another phone call or reply to my emails.

2) Liberal Tony Ruprecht, former Parkdale & Davenport Ontario MPP (40 Year Politician) contacted me via Dan Barnabic in 2006 regarding Tony Ruprecht's members bill about Credit Reporting. We met Dan Barnabic at his office and we showed him some of the evidence but after several months had past, I called Tony Ruprecht and he frantically claimed that he knew nothing about me or my credit report problems and ended phone call

3) Liberal Michael Brown, former Speaker of Assembly for Canada was on list of who was sent my 2007 email!

4) Liberal Dalton McGuinty, former Premiere of Ontario was also on my list of who was sent my 2007 email!

5) Liberal Chris Bentley, former Attorney General of Ontario ignored emails and several messages from 2007 on!

6) Liberal Joe Dickson Ajax MPP stabs constituents in the back after several phone calls with his lies about taking our criminal complaints to the AG! I told Joe that I wrote enough in past few years and I was not writing anymore until I had meeting with the Attorney General!

7) Liberal John Gerretsen Attorney General of Ontario during our MPP Joe Dickson obstruction of our justice!

8) Liberal Madeleine Meilleur former Attorney General of Ontario had Toronto Police Service Officer Jim Makris, who was her security intercept our criminal complaints!

9) Liberal Kathleen Wynne former Ontario Premiere retired AG Madeleine Meilleur early for her to escape her role in coverup of crimes against Ontario courts!

10) Liberal Yasir Naqvi was moved to Attorney General of Ontario after his corruption as the Solicitor General to coverup Madeleine Meilleur's role in crimes coverup!

11) Liberal Marie-France Lalonde was Solicitor General of Ontario when Ontario Provincial Police Officer Scott Mulville and unnamed partner A) criminally harrassed me and my family at 6:40am B) obstructed justice with lies about a 10 month OPP investigation; C) committed without warrant for accused criminal, AG Yasir Naqvi!

Let Justice Prevail

With my google account, I created a blogger website to express my Freedom of Expression as granted by the Ontario government passing into law [Read Law Here] to protect our Freedom of Expression! This lets me tell truth and show evidences of criminal acts I endured! If the accused plan on a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation in me telling truth and showing evidences about crimes I endured, I will file an Anti-SLAPP lawsuit added to the criminal charges that the accused will be facing for their involvement in any of the criminal acts!


Index of Accused Criminals and Corrupt Organizations

History and Evidence of Crimes, Conspiracies, Coverups and the Corruptions we have endured by the Conservative and the Liberal governments of Ontario and of Canada in huge coverup of Law Society of Ontario’s corruption...